Sunday, October 6, 2013

Great New Vests!

I recently made a couple of seamless nuno felted vests out of recycled and repurposed fabric. One is made from a repurposed cotton sarong using super fine merino wool and embellished with novelty yarn. I made it for Felt United Day inspired by the theme of water. The sarong is dyed with lovely blues and greens and at the bottom it said Bora Bora. The novelty yarn dressed it up wonderfully and reminds me of the kelp beds that sit just where the waves roll. The vest is revisible, seamless and completed with no sewing at all!

The other vest was made with a recycled piece of lavender nylon fabric I found at a thrift store. It is embellished with some shiny, iridescent dots. On the side with no dots I added 2 different purple wool yarns and a deep purple and shiny novelty eyelash yarn. It is stunning and I love it soooo much! This one is also reversible, completed without sewing, but also has a nice thick collar.

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